+27 83 629-7690 henrypool7@gmail.com

Crystal Cathedral Ministries SA


Crystal Cathedral Ministries was started by the late Dr. Robert Harold Schuller who was a great preacher and teacher and wrote numerous books on positive Christianity. We still have some of those: books  To listen to some of the music and hymns from the Crystal Cathedral, please click here:


Dr. Schuller’s TV program became known as the Hour of Power. By the time Crystal Cathedral Ministries SA (CCMSA) was started in South Africa, his son, Robert Anthony Schuller, was also involved in the ministry.

You can read our original Memorandum of Association by clicking on: Constitution CCMSA

Note that due to financial problems the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, was eventually sold to the Catholic church and is now called: Christ’s Cathedral.  However, income permitting, CCMSA is still re-broadcasting the services from the old Crystal Cathedral on TV in South Africa on a local station like Cape TV. We are also broadcasting on the internet, via YouTube. Shown below are the latest videos that were broadcast locally. If you were blessed by watching, would you consider making a donation to CCMSA?  Please click on the “Donate” button at the top of the page. Many thanks for any contribution you can make! 

Latest Video’s!

Here is Robert Anthony’s Schuller’s message for the new decade (www.drschuller.org) : 

There is Power in the name of Jesus. He was in the beginning with God. Everything that has ever been made was made by Him. Through Him, we find our power; power to break our chains of fear, hatred, discouragement, depression and any other mountain we may face. With His power, we can hear our chains fall and experience a renewed life. 2 Timothy 1:7,  John 1:1-4

To watch our videos, click on the link below and chose the video that you have not yet seen. They are in numerical order.

(189) Bread on the water – YouTube

We will do our best to keep putting up a new program every fortnight on the You Tube BreadOnTheWater channel. If you were blessed by any of our broadcasts or if you would like to help us, will you please consider putting something in the jar for us?  Donating to CCMSA | Bread on the water

For  all videos and broadcasts, please go to the Bread on the Water channel, just click on the link below:

Bread on the water – YouTube


Account Name : Crystal Cathedral Ministries SA. FNB Cheque account 62100887118, transfer code 250655.

How to contact us: 

Henry Pool (+)27 (0)836297690, henrypool7@gmail.com

Annette Pool (+)27 (0)834696875, annette.pool@gmail.com