If you were blessed by watching the services, would you PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION!?
Crystal Cathedral Ministries SA (CCM SA) is registered as a non-profit organization (Section 21 co.) reg.no. 2006/08815/08. Our contact numbers are:
Henry Pool (+)27 (0)836297690
Annette Pool (+)27 (0)834696875
Our Banking details are:
FNB Cheque acc. no. 62100887118,
FNB Branch 252-645, or for internet banking use 250-655.
Please email us proof of payment? We will provide you with a receipt, if and when required, as soon as we have received your donation.
If at all possible, we would prefer regular monthly contributions so that we can plan for our airtime on TV and on the Internet but of course any once-off contribution you can afford make is also very welcome!