+27 83 629-7690 henrypool7@gmail.com

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Hope is what we do….

Hope is what we do….

Recently I read in a leaflet from another charity: ‘HOPE is what we do…’  That sentence stuck with me. ‘HOPE is what we do’, expresses exactly what we also stand for! Heart for Children is about action, about doing! Helping children wherever possible, so that they can...

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Appeal 2025

Appeal 2025

In a previous newsletter from 'Heart for Children' we informed you that this year we want to help 'Guardians of Hope' in East London who are taking care of orphaned and/or abandoned babies and small children. We received the following letter of appeal from Philip...

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Christmas 2024

Christmas 2024

It is the end of the year and as is customary I would like to say a few words of thanks to all our donors, supporters and beneficiaries. We look back at 2024 and note: God is good! Thanks to  all of you Heart for Children  collected just over R200000 to provide gas...

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It is the time for Christmas carols!

Our year never ends before listening at least once to the Christmas Way by the Oslo Gospel Choir......just click on the link below below: It is time for Christmas carols! | Heart for Children

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Heart for Children Newsletter 24.10.2024

Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” We know this promise by Yahweh to the people of God by heart, yet we do not accept...

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Feedback: Heart for Children

Feedback: Heart for Children

Feedback: Heart for Children It has been a while since I gave you some feedback. First, before I forget again: Alfons and Yvonne van Galien of the Rehoboth Children’s Village would like to personally thank each donor and sponsor who contributed to the R200000 that we...

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From the desk of Henry: Easter 2024

When I think of Easter, I picture Jesus having to go down the Via Dolorosa, a public spectacle of humiliation, pain, and suffering. There was no other way (Luke 22:42). He had to make sure that our faith would be perfected so we would be able to fearlessly stand up...

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We did it!!! Altogether we collected R200000 for the solar/gas project for the Rehoboth Children’s Village in Murchison near Port Shepstone. On behalf of the children of the village, I would like to thank everyone who helped us to realize this fantastic goal. 100000x...

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Reminder: End of tax year is on 29/02/2024

Did you read our latest newsletter? If not, you can click here: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! | Heart for Children We are still waiting a bit to see if we can reach the R100000 mark for the Rehoboth Children’s Village which would then be doubled by Hart voor...

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

On behalf of the children in the Rehoboth Children’s Village in Murchison, KZN, (nearby Port Shepstone), I just want to say: thank you, thank you, thank you!   We received a terrific response from you to our request to help this orphanage to beat ESKOM loadshedding...

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Hart voor Kinderen (NL) built a school in Uganda

Take a moment to look at the video below, where celebrations were held after the finishing of "The Caring Heart" school in Uganda (project by Hart voor Kinderen NL). You see my brother Louis and sister-in-law Erna being engaged in various activities and customs.  I...

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

On behalf of all the orphans and abandoned children in the various homes, we would like to thank you for all the interactions, support, regular contributions and special donations made by you to the ministry during 2023. We wish you a very blessed Christmas and God's...

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Henry Pool

(+)27 (0)836297690, henrypool7@gmail.com

Annette Pool

(+)27 (0)834696875, annette.pool@gmail.com


Account Name : Heart for Children.

FNB Cheque account 62215969116,

transfer code 250655.