+27 83 629-7690 henrypool7@gmail.com

Heart for Children is asking you to prayerfully consider helping with the project for the orphans in KZN that we have embarked upon. The Rehoboth Children’s Village near Port Shepstone in KZN is an orphanage with 21 homes with surrogate mothers taking care of more than 75 orphans, many of whom have been abandoned by their own kin & close relatives because they also suffer from HIV. The orphanage is battling with the power they get from ESKOM and we want to help them by converting the school and the homes to solar and the introduction of gas stoves. This is a sustainable project as it will lead to direct savings for the orphanage in the expenses for power. In short: We are asking you to help us for the Rehoboth Children’s Village in KZN to become partly or wholly independent of ESKOM power, by converting to solar power. There are a number of projects that have been proposed and it will depend on the income that we can generate in the next few months as to how far we get in the whole orphanage becoming self-sufficient as far as electrical power is concerned. Heart for Children already has a considerable amount available thanks to a special bequest that was made. Should you, or your business, or anyone you know, be interested in helping us, we can send you any of the following documentation, as required:

  1. The official letter from Heart for Children requesting funds from you/ your business
  2. Proof of registration of Heart for Children as a non-profit company (section 21)
  3. Proof of registration of Heart for Children as Public Benefit Organization (Section 18a)
  4. An example of our letter of thanks and tax certificate
  5. The solar projects for the Rehoboth Children’s Village for which we ask your help!
  6. The certificate of compliance to BBBEE from the Rehoboth’s Children Village
  7. Company profile: Heart for Children part 1, see HFCCompanyProfile1.pdf
  8. Company profile: Heart for Children part 2, see https://www.heartforchildren.co.za

Should you be willing to help us, we could consider making a trip to the orphanage to assess which specific solar project you want to support, mostly. Please note that this project of Heart for Children is in addition to our regular support. If you want to help us with some extra donations for this project, we ask that in the reference line you write your name + surname + the word “SOLAR”. Every little bit helps! For our donors from overseas we can make an arrangement that they can also donate via our parent organization, Hart voor Kinderen.

Please contact us! Wishing you God’s richest blessings,

Henry and Annette Pool

Cellphone: +27(0) 836297690 or +27(0) 834696875

e-mail: henrypool7@gmail.com or annette.pool@gmail.com

Account: Heart for Children, FNB Cheque 62215969116, internet code 250655


I have some great news. After sharing the projects with our parent company in the Netherlands, namely Hart voor Kinderen, and mentioning to them the plight of the whole village of having to sit many times for hours without electricity during load shedding and being unable to cook during this time, they said that they also wanted to help us. But they wanted to make it a challenge. They promised to sponsor our effort to raise the funds for this orphanage Rand for Rand.

This means that your donation will be doubled up by our friends in the Netherlands!

Remember: this is a sustainable project that will continue to save money for the orphanage and make them partly or wholly independent of ESKOM power, depending on our total income. Again: If you want to help, in the reference line, please mention your name and the word ‘SOLAR” so we know how to allocate your donation.

Many thanks for any contribution you can make!!

 Please contact us! Wishing you God’s richest blessings,

Henry and Annette Pool

Cellphone: +27(0) 836297690 or +27(0) 834696875

e-mail: henrypool7@gmail.com or annette.pool@gmail.com

Account: Heart for Children, FNB Cheque 62215969116, internet code 250655