……do not believe everything you hear……..
This folktale was recorded by the Brothers Grimm. In the German city of Hamelin there was a rat infestation in 1284. The city council hired a Pied Piper who lured the animals with a flute and then drowned them in the river Weser. The story does not end there, but the rest is not so important here. The point is that rats always competed with humans for scarce food, especially in the Middle Ages. That is why it was important to keep their numbers low. My story here is about mis-leadership……
Every theory is based on assumptions. My assumption is that people are not that different from each other. To understand our behavior, we only must just look at history. We see a succession of elites (nobility, princes, landlords, army heads) that profited from the population. They did this by simple taxation and the sale of permits. For example, anno 1600 Queen Elisabeth 1 of England had about 700 patents outstanding. Everything that was for sale at that time was manufactured under a patent. Literally everything was taxed. In York, which I visited recently as a tourist, people used to be taxed on the number of windows in their homes. The inhabitants obviously responded to this by closing some of their windows with bricks. Apparently, this is where the phrase ‘daylight robbery’ came from…
A multitude of words exist to indicate the differences in power: landowners were nobles, the rest of the population were slaves, serfs, lackeys, tenants, farm workers. Let us call them ‘servants’. The unequal relationships between the nobility and the servants were actually due to the scarcity of energy and raw materials. A single human being could not provide enough energy for a pleasant life. Only a few could therefore lead a life of luxury, at the expense of many others. In the Loire Valley stands the beautiful château Chambord, built in the early 1500s. 2500 servants lived around it. The king stayed here for a few weeks every year, for his vacation…..

The immense social inequality in those days was legitimized by the Roman Catholic Church. They did not take a clear stand against poverty and in most cases conveniently avoided the discussion about it.
Due to primitive technology, scarcity of raw materials and energy was of all times. Land was the only source of energy. To gain more power meant to acquire more energy and for that land had to be conquered. The pursuit of power is considered a primary human urge. However, I think it is secondary to the fear of lack and the fear for being robbed by ‘colleagues’.
Throughout almost all of history, predictions were made that the prevailing lifestyle would not be sustainable. The Romans, who always needed more metals, already complained about this. More wood or peat was always cut, more coal was mined, and more oil and gas pumped up than nature could replenish. Elites wished to maintain their luxury amid scarcity, which necessitated an underclass. Most of the population literally had to be kept “under”, their consumption limited. Low wages were advantageous.
But from 1700 onwards, a major change took place in Europe. Fossil fuels, made possible by better mining, suddenly provided enough energy for everyone. This decoupled land and energy and thus put an end to an important source of income for the nobility, including the cultivation of feed for animals and horses. Machines took over the heavy lifting. The ‘servants’ could now send their children to school.
Incidentally, the end of the coal and later the end of oil supply was continuously predicted. Thomas Malthus (1766 – 1834) calculated that linearly increasing agricultural production would have to give way to the exponentially increasing population and in 1968 Paul Ehrlich published ‘The Population Bomb’. The fact that nothing has come of these doomsday scenarios strangely does not detract from the popularity of the writers. Something similar also applies to the first ‘Report to the Club of Rome’ (‘Limits to growth’, 1972). It is still being touted despite its low predictive value. It reminds us of all those religious sects that climb a mountain in anticipation of the end of time, only to descend again after a few days because they apparently had made a mistake with the date….
However, the fear of scarcity runs deep and the fact that human ingenuity has so far always brought salvation, few wish to remember. During the life of myself and that of my parents, an unparalleled improvement in prosperity has taken place. As a result, a broad class of highly educated and well-to-do has emerged. How will such a group behave? Look at the behavior of the former nobility. The fear of loss and scarcity always translates into limiting other people’s prosperity. In academic circles, the consumer society is denounced. There must be a large new tax on flying. That will teach them! A new underclass is desirable. But how to create it?
Fossil fuels allowed the servants to escape poverty. Satisfactory replacement does not yet exist. An attack on fossil technology is therefore primarily an attack on the freedom and prosperity of the middle- and lower-income classes. That prosperity is provided by industry. Shell & others supply cheap fuel, so we can do something more fun than using our muscle power. One tractor replaces 2000 farm workers, the population of a large school community
With the secularization of societies, God was brought to earth. Nature was canonized. Nature organizations were thus thrown into the lap of the moral compass. Ecologists are now the modern church fathers. Their messages are encyclicals, above criticism. Unfortunately, they are bad soul shepherds. Because instead of love, hope and trust, the green church only spreads fear. Their “Mother Earth” idea is false. Gas purity is as false as racial purity. No one will call the stones of his house or the iron of his bicycle “mother”. All of life that exists exploits the earth. There is no choice in this. But putting the spade in your mother now evokes a deep sense of guilt in some. But the earth is not our mother; it is our nest and supplier of building materials. We must carry out the exploitation properly, but with the right technology that is possible. Poverty eradication should be the number one priority. That is what God (Jesus) really wants. But instead, we see an attack on industrial production. High UN representatives declared that the threat of a derailed climate finally offers the opportunity to end capitalism and industrial production. This amounts to striving for a totalitarian society with central planning like the old Soviet Union USSR.
Energy is freedom. It is not for nothing that having a car is the symbol of Western freedom. But the elites cannot exist without an underclass. You create such an underclass by throttling their energy. Windmills, solar panels and biomass (wood) combustion are suddenly rational choices, because they can never provide enough energy for everyone. In addition, huge investments are needed to make their unreliable yield usable. A ruined landscape is apparently not important. Nuclear energy, which may be enough energy for everyone to generate, is demonized. It is now 2022 and not 1284. New pied pipers have appeared. Now no flute playing but sirens of fear for ‘climate change’ and ‘changes in nature. Not on the way to drowning or great drought but clearly on course to dramatic loss of prosperity. We must make these sacrifices to mother earth “for the future of our children.” Think carefully about that: for the children of the messenger or also yours? I’m not so sure about the latter. Let us be careful not to fall into the selfish amoral behavior of the old nobility and anti-Christian tyrants. There is enough room in this world for everyone. With the right technology, there is also enough energy for everyone. Human ingenuity has prevented all doomsday scenarios so far. Do not become a pied piper and be careful not to be labeled as a rat.
Postscript for discussion
My own work over the last 10 years has shown me that we are dealing with a giga HOAX when it comes to ‘the climate emergency’. It is a fairy tale, a feast of the elites, an entertainment of the media but above all the greatest scientific error ever, e.g.
Global Warming: How and Where? | Bread on the water
During the previous four interglacials it was warmer or as warm as it is now. In Cape Town I can show you that in earlier times the water was 30 meters higher than now. However, it is not only about the carbon dioxide hunt. There’s a lot more to it than that.
Ownership means power. Big owners have a lot of power, small owners a little and the dispossessed have none. Whoever owns nothing has to rent everything. That costs multiples. The WEF is a club of large owners and their vassals. Unlike their violent aristocratic distant predecessors, they exercise their power by controlling mass communication. ‘Mind Control’. We, the servants, are the end users of finite raw materials, which they themselves think they need; so we are harmful. We must disappear. Their most formidable opponents are the small owners. They save themselves and can resist. That is why farmers, fishermen, other small self-employed people, such as shopkeepers, must disappear. Even homeowners are not dependent enough on large owners, the big money. So, they must be eliminated. It’s not about climate, CO2, nitrogen, pandemics, nature or whatever. One-child coercion failed; condoms and birth control pills do not catch on sufficiently. Increased mortality, due to lack of energy, war, poverty, hunger and cold is more effective. In a nutshell, this is the trajectory in which we are steered.
It implies a paradox. Abolishing property affects not only those in power, but also smallholders, the backbone of the counterforce. Lenin and Stalin saw that well. They created a fresh violent elite and eliminated independent farmers and citizens. The WEF clique does so in a way that makes those affected believe that they are doing well. Taxes on basic necessities and small-scale property and, above all, money creation to fund worthless “charities” meet less resistance than anyone evicting you from your home. And the result is the same. Believe me, or don’t believe me. It’s just me. But a simple calculation will show you what is happening. It is frightening. The rich are getting richer, and the rest is getting poorer. No discussion possible:
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