+27 83 629-7690 henrypool7@gmail.com

Feedback: Heart for Children

It has been a while since I gave you some feedback. First, before I forget again: Alfons and Yvonne van Galien of the Rehoboth Children’s Village would like to personally thank each donor and sponsor who contributed to the R200000 that we collected for the children of the village. I am so glad to be able to report that, so far,

  • All 17 children’s homes in the village now have a full gas stove!

  • All the stoves have been installed and certified by an approved supplier. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a rather large cost factor.

  • 20 x 9kg gas bottles were purchased as well.

  • All lights in the homes were replaced with 56 LED back-up lights. These will keep on giving light for a few hours after the power goes off.

The cost for the above was almost R115000. We are all satisfied that this would enable the children’s homes to still function well in case of a power failure or load shedding.

The intention is that the remainder of the money be spent on adding pure solar power to the children’s village. Note that in the office, solar had already been installed. The solar of the school and education center had also been installed already but did not function due to a faulty inverter.

  • The faulty inverter at the school/education center has now been replaced for a little more than R10000 which included installation and certification costs.

This means that, so far, the office and the school & education center in the children’s village are now covered with power, especially in case of load shedding. What remains is the activity center of the village which also includes the clinic and the cooling/freezer room. There is a quote for a complete 3kW solar system servicing this building for R80750. We want to approve this expenditure but if you did the sums: yes, indeed, this is just ca. R5750 above our budget. However, considering such a large project, this is not at all that much. I am sure we all wish to bring our help to the Rehoboth Children’s Village to a successful end. I just realized that we are really doing miracles, right here! We can do this. I am sure of it. I will also donate an extra R500 for this. May I once more ask for your assistance as well, please? Just click here, and maybe you can give as reference: your name + Rehoboth.

DONATE | Heart for Children

(Please remember that we also still need your regular monthly contributions to keep up with our monthly assistance to the safe houses that we have committed to!)

Note that we have sent all donors of Heart for Children the certificate for the tax year ending 29/2/2024. Please let us know if you have not received it. Just send us an e-mail or SMS (for our addresses and numbers: see at the end of this letter).

Feedback: CCMSA/ Bread on the Water.

Have you seen those old sermons by dr. Schuller yet? They are really inspiring to see again. Please check in before they are removed. Click here:

CCMSA | Bread on the water

I helped with the translation of a book, namely ‘The Chronicles of the Climate Hysteria’. If you are interested in a copy, please let me know a.s.a.p. More information here:

The Chronicles of the Climate Hysteria | Bread on the water

By ordering books from us, either for yourself or as gifts for family or friends, you help CCMSA / Bread on the Water with some income! Just click here:

Books | Bread on the water

Thanking you for any contribution and wishing you God’s richest blessings!

Annette Pool



Henry Pool
