Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
We know this promise by Yahweh to the people of God by heart, yet we do not accept His promise fully. This is the time of year when we complain that we feel so tired. So much has happened during this year, like wars, natural disasters, politics, and, closer to home, the various challenges in our own lives. I believe we can only confirm that what happens in our personal lives is what affects us the most. Some of us struggle with our health, or experience financial constraints. Looking back at the past year we may realize that in most cases we have tried to solve our problems in our own way. We have not yet reached the point where we fully let go and let God take over. I often think that we, as the children of God, become so embroiled in our own problems that we tend to peck in the dirt like chickens. Isaiah reminds us to wait on the Lord, who shall renew our strength. If we trust in Yahweh and get up from the dirt, we shall soar above our weariness. Let us search for Godly strength and encouragement in these last weeks before this year comes to an end.
Accomplishment for 2024
As we have reported before, God has been faithful, and Heart for Children collected sufficient funds to provide gas stoves to all homes of the Rehoboth Children’s village plus complete solar power for the education-, distribution- and activity center, respectively. This will make them less dependent on power from ESKOM so that most activities can carry on if there is a power outage.
However, our finances have dwindled to the extent where we are unable to meet our monthly expenses and regular monthly payments to those homes that we are supporting. We therefore urge you, our donors, to open your heart. Heart for Children needs your monthly financial support, otherwise we will have to cut back, which will be to the detriment of the children we support.
Proposal for a new project for this summer
Our financial director, Philip Nicholson, has recently been asked to join the board of the “Guardians of Hope” (GoH), an organization that facilitates rescue and assistance in East London to a maximum of ca. 30 babies and small children. The board of Heart for Children has considered a new project for the next six months collecting donations for GoH, providing for as much baby formula (milk), baby food and nappies as possible. Please take a few minutes to watch this video:
For more information, you can also go to the GoH website: Guardians of Hope | Place of safety
Will you help? We will take pictures of the goods supplied, so that you can be assured of where your contributions are going. Please remember that this project is in addition to the homes that we are already supporting. Here is what to do: Please make a (n) (extra) donation to Heart for Children. In the reference, please give your name, surname and the word: ‘hope’. That way we will be able to allocate your donation going to the ‘Guardians of Hope’ project. Please click here for more information on how to donate: DONATE | Heart for Children
May God bless you richly,
Henry and Annette Pool
Henry’s Blog | Bread on the water
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