We did it!!! Altogether we collected R200000 for the solar/gas project for the Rehoboth Children’s Village in Murchison near Port Shepstone. On behalf of the children of the village, I would like to thank everyone who helped us to realize this fantastic goal. 100000x thanks to Hart voor Kinderen in the Netherlands who kept their promise to match our fund-raising effort here in South Africa Rand for Rand. Then, a special word of thanks to all of you who made sizeable contributions for this project: Hatfield Christian Church, Savannah Chemicals and John B. We also want to thank Christine, Alida, Deon, Hanli, Thiru, Hazel, George, Karin, Annetjie, Ingrid and Yvonne for making extra contributions for this project. May God bless you richly for your superb generosity.
The next step would be for Heart for Children (Henry & Annette) to consult with the founders of the Rehoboth’s Children Village, namely Alfonse and Yvonne van Galen, to determine how best to utilize the funds that we have now available for them. They are such lovely people. The goal would be for Rehoboth to become as near as possible to total independence from Eskom power. Priority should perhaps be given to putting all the children’s homes on gas cooking. Then, for the remainder, we are looking at various solar applications. I heard that it might be cheaper to build a field with solar panels for the whole village rather than to put up solar at each of the individual homes – this would be something worth investigating. Perhaps there are some consulting engineers amongst us who are willing to help by giving a free consultation to see exactly what they have in place already and what best can be done with the available funds? Or perhaps you know a friend whom you could ask to help us out here? Please let us know, and then, God willing, we can decide to visit the village at some time soon.
Whatever happens, obviously we will keep all of you informed and make some pictures for you to show the progress being made! Wishing you God’s richest blessings,
Henry and Annette Pool
Cel. +27836297690
E-mail: henrypool7@gmail.com
Henry’s Blog | Bread on the water

Absolutely wonderful.
Well done Henry & Annette making this fundraising such a success. 🙌
We thank the Almighty for realizing the good dream. May He continue providing as always, in JESUS’ name. Amen.
Thank you, Thato. Thank you for your faithful support every month. May God bless you richly.