+27 83 629-7690 henrypool7@gmail.com

Ja. Ja. War is for profit. Blessed are the peacemakers, is what Jesus said. Why did we forget about that?  Few people realize what the war in the Ukraine really means for big business. It only takes a few minutes to understand….

Foot Note (by Henry Pool):

The video is very short and does not make it very clear that there had been earlier meetings between NATO and Russia, where things might have turned out differently if there had been more concessions from the Western side when the iron curtain fell. I also believe that the people of Crimea have clearly indicated in an election that they do want to be part of Russia. But there are some things about Putin in the past that strike me. I don’t think there was any proposal for warfare by him and by Russia up until 3 years ago (I used to watch a lot of RT at the time before the war).

In the meantime, Putin has proven during his reign that he is a ruthless villain who kills all his opponents and gets away with it. As befits a villain, his personal wealth has also increased enormously in the last few years, and I don’t think that that can come from his salary alone.

Unfortunately, the arms industry is still the largest industry in the world. There was a soapy on television a lot of years ago that was called “Rich man, poor man”. You may remember it. At one point, all those bosses of the industry sat around a table to discuss where they could start another war. Well, I think you can guess what I’m thinking right now. War is for profit…. from both sides.

I blame the politicians of the western world, and Rutte in particular, for not making any attempt to act as intermediaries to try to make peace. A trio of leaders from Africa have tried to do something but have not received any help from the West. That was a pity. Just like Vietnam, Ukraine has now become the play ball between the west and the east and I can only cry for the people who have to live in that ball.

A word of warning: Who will eventually pay for that war? Look carefully what happened to the inflation rate in the USA before, during and after the war in Vietnam. Inflation is caused by those responsible for printing money (government) and it is simply an extra tax to pay for the debt that your government is making.

Vietnam War: U.S. inflation and budget deficit 1964-1975 | Statista