I mentioned before that my own research did not show ‘global’ warming, as you would expect to see if more greenhouse gases were the cause of global warming. The difference in warming between the northern (NH) and southern hemisphere (SH) was remarkable, especially where minimum temperatures were concerned. Look An Inconvenient Truth | Bread on the water. There are a number of investigations showing that the effect of a little more CO2 in the atmosphere is really nothing. I show you my own here:
An evaluation of the greenhouse effect by carbon dioxide | Bread on the water
The table below clearly shows the uneven warming of the seas (if you click on the blue figure, you can see from which research the result came)
Table 1
Latitude | Change in K / decade | |
Period | Result | |
+90 (Chukchi Sea) | 1982-2017 | 0.70 |
+58 (Baltic Sea) | 1993-2020 | 0.53 |
+52 (North Sea -@HoekvanHolland) | 1970-2021 | 0.30 |
0 to 90 (average) | 1970-2021 | 0.17 |
-90 to 0 (average) | 1970-2021 | 0.09 |

Picture 1: The warming of the oceans (graphic by courtesy of Willis Eschenbach)
I decided to take another look at the warming of our waters according to the official data from the satellite. See Picture 1 above. The biggest contrast is between Antarctica and the north polar region. According to Reynolds’ data, the difference is as much as 0.6 – (-0.15) = approx. 0.75K per decade. How is that possible? There is cooling all around Antarctica (outlined in red). There is also cooling in the Pacific Ocean clearly demarcated by the equator (outlined in red). And why the cooling in the center of the South Atlantic Ocean?
I should stop here and say: “The science is settled”. Scientists all agree on what is causing global warming. It’s really because of the 0.01% extra greenhouse gases that have been added to the atmosphere since 1960.
But I don’t. May I continue to give my opinion? With the best will in the world, I cannot understand that scientists look at that Picture 1 and not see what I see, namely that it is not the heat coming from the atmosphere that makes the earth warmer. The amount of blue (cooling) in the SH is puzzling. It seems to me about 40% of the whole SH? The fact that on land minimum temperatures in the SH are dropping while rising in the NH indicated to me a change in heat coming from below. I speculate on the causes…

Picture 2: The movement of the magnetic north pole
1) First, note that Earth’s magnetic north is shifting at an unprecedented speed of 50 km per year – causing havoc to our navigation systems. See here. It seems logical to me to think that the entire volume of that red-hot glowing and swirling iron in the interior of the earth must always re-align with the magnetic field of the sun, like a magnetic stirrer does. In my opinion, such a large shift in hot material in our interior can also affect the minimum temperatures on earth.
2) Secondly, I can also imagine that this shift in hot matter could also have an effect on volcanic activity and/or a global shift thereof. Let me give you a few examples.
Arctic areas
I believe that the volcanic activity observed in the Arctic seas could help explain the remarkable results that we see in Table 1 above. See for example: here and here2 it specifically says, “New evidence deep beneath the Arctic ice suggests that a series of underwater volcanoes have erupted in tremendous explosions over the past decade.” In 1999, eruptions apparently also took place on the Gakkel Ridge deep under the ocean. See here3

Picture 3: Volcanoes in the Arctic ocean
In fact, there is indeed evidence of an amazing rise in temperature and increase in salinity in the Greenland Sea. (i.e. the sea between Greenland and Norway). See here4 It says: ‘In the last three decades…….. the temperature and salinity in the deep Greenland Sea have increased at unprecedented average speeds, and these trends are among the highest in the global deep ocean.’
There have also been several reports from Alaska recently showing evidence of more volcanic activity, e.g. 3 erupting Alaska volcanoes spitting lava or ash clouds – Alaska Public Media
Finally, the last eruption of the Beerenberg was in 1980, and that is also not so long ago.

Everyone is aware of the recent eruptions in Iceland. In fact, Iceland owes its existence to volcanic activity. March, 2021: My wife and I watched in awe as a volcano erupted on the edge of Mount Fagradalsfjall, about 40 km southwest of the capital Reykjavik. Lava had not flowed on the Reykjanes Peninsula for eight centuries, and not for nearly 6,000 years where the eruption occurred, according to volcanologists.
There are also a number of active volcanoes in Antarctica and in the surrounding areas. I think the red spot visible in Picture 1 is Bristol Island that had a major eruption for the first time in 60 years in 2016: Signs of an Eruption on Bristol Island (nasa.gov)
There was also volcanic activity on Pine Island and for the first time scientists admitted here that the heat from the eruptions melts the ice and makes the water warmer. It says, “The Pine Island glacier is melting as a result of a volcanic heat source that researchers have found beneath the glacier in Antarctica. The volcanic activity was first noticed in 2007 and then verified in 2014. This volcanic activity was discovered by some scientists from the Graduate School of Oceanography Seas at the University of Rhode Island.’ Something is then also said about ‘climate change’ but I think that this was only done for political reasons as there is no measured observational result on this: Active Volcano Discovered Under Glacier in Antarctica – Antarctica Journal
The Black Sea
The warming in the Black Sea is remarkable. I deduce from Picture 1 that the warming there is almost as high as in the northern polar region, which means warming of about 0.6K/decade. I was surprised to discover that there are no less than 68 mud volcanoes in the Black Sea. Look: here
I was even more surprised to discover that when mud volcanoes erupt, they release a huge amount of methane. It says: ‘The amount of methane escaping is enormous. For example, the mud volcano “Yuzhmorgeologiya” ejects about 17.8 billion m3 of methane during one eruption, requiring trillions of cubic meters of gas.’
Well. Good to know. I think all the cows of the world over all times can’t produce as much methane gas. Note that the warming of the Black Sea, in my opinion, could not have come from more sunshine or more greenhouse gas. By diffusion, all the methane (in those explosions) disappears very quickly and very far away into the atmosphere. Note that in the nearby Caspian Sea, which is at about the same latitude, there has apparently been no warming. Coincidentally, there was also an (unexpected) eruption of a mud volcano there recently…. (See photograph at the beginning of this post).
When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted on Jan. 15, it sent a tsunami racing around the world and set off a sonic boom that circled the globe twice. The underwater eruption in the South Pacific Ocean also blasted an enormous plume of water vapor into Earth’s stratosphere – enough to fill more than 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. The sheer amount of water vapor could be enough to temporarily affect Earth’s global average temperature.
“We’ve never seen anything like it,” said Luis Millán, an atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. He led a new study examining the amount of water vapor that the Tonga volcano injected into the stratosphere, the layer of the atmosphere between about 8 and 33 miles (12 and 53 kilometers) above Earth’s surface.
The Mediterranean
The Mediterranean was recently in the news because of the rapid warming of the water there. The report was that it is due to ‘man-made’ climate change. The original report came from the Guardian who I dare say like to exaggerate when it comes to climate change. It says:
‘The Mediterranean sea is in a major marine heat wave, with the temperature of the sea surface in western parts of the Mediterranean 4-5C warmer than average. Temperatures have been above average for a long time since beginning of May with June the warmest ever recorded for large parts of the Mediterranean.’
Admittedly, the natural climate change, which I actually had predicted, here,
Revisiting the 87-year Gleissberg solar cycle | Bread on the water
makes it drier at the higher latitude, which means that there is more sunshine and more heat in the area. (Holiday tip: The Tiber in Rome is at its lowest point and you can now see the remains of a bridge in that river that was built in Roman times).
However, I very much doubt that this is the only reason for the warming of the water in the Mediterranean. Note that there are many active volcanoes in and around the boot of Italy, of which Etna and Stromboli were recently active (June 2022). Co-incidence? There are also many volcanoes in and around the Greek islands. The disappearance of The Minoan civilization is often associated with a massive eruption of a volcano in the Mediterranean that caused a tsunami burying Crete with water.
(There are some people like me who think that some of the ten plagues of Moses and the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt through the red sea had something to do with that particular eruption).
Canary Islands
If you look carefully at the area between the Canary Islands and the African continent (Picture 1), you will see that there is significant warming there of the waters. The eruption of the volcano on La Palma in 2021 attracted a lot of attention. Those doing the investigations, noted that “This eruption is interpreted as a very accelerated and energetic process”. In other words: A lot of energy being released…… see: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-21818-9
3) Thirdly, I ask your attention for this graph:

Picture 4: Fig. a) shows the relationship between Delta T and depth.
The derivative of the function is reported as being 31K per km down. This means that for an increase of 0.6K in global temperature (as observed from 1935) one only needs an inside shift of 0.6/31 x 1000 = 19 m
Lastly, from my own investigations in 2015,
I calculate with a probability of more than 95% that Tmax (global) went negative in (2014 – 17,5) 1996. See Picture 5 below (results are available upon request).

Picture 5: Graph showing the deceleration of global maximum temperatures.
Now what? Indeed, many investigators, including myself, had expected earthly temperatures to drop as solar activity declined from 1995. So, what happened? Since earth is covered by 75% water, I show you the sea surface temperatures of both hemispheres as reported in the data set HADSST in Picture 6:

Picture 6: The warming of the oceans (2)
Clearly, we note that the oceans are still warming up, most prominently in the NH. The question arises: where did the heat in the NH oceans come from, especially from 1995? Note that most papers reflecting on our history admit that volcanic forcing was a factor in global warming. For example, this quote from D’Andrea et al 2011 says : ‘Our results indicate that the ice-free region of West Greenland experienced much greater temperature variability during the Holocene than the top of the Greenland ice sheet, probably as a result of interactions among oceanic, atmospheric, solar, and volcanic forcing, and that climatic changes were important in influencing cultural transitions and human settlement patterns in West Greenland.’
The theory of man-made warming alleges that 0.01% of the atmosphere can cause the current visible global warming. Note that if we look from the time when most of us were still on horseback (1935) – which I think is fair – the total warming of earth was only ca. 0.6K. I’m saying that earth (100%) on its own can easily produce the observed amount of extra heat. Remember 70% of all volcanoes are underwater. You cannot wave hands to say that the cooling of the earth has always been constant since its existence. There are even nuclear reactions happening in earth’s interior. It is therefore impossible to say that the heat that earth produces itself is much smaller than the heat of that 0.01% greenhouse gas that was added to the atmosphere.
A wonderful article, many thanks for posting it. I don’t know if you are familiar with the Connolly and Connolly papers on the atmosphere being in thermodynamic equilibrium.
Their premise is that the atmosphere is in thermodynamic equilibrium and Einstein showed long ago that all the so-called green house gases will simply re-radiate whatever energy they receive if they are in thermodynamic equilibrium…meaning that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere makes no difference to the control knob of earth’s temperature.
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A very good line of reasoning. The earth is generating heat constantly and there is never really an equilibrium, as we know from geological records. I find it interesting that not a single so called climate expert can say with certainty what the impacts of the Tonga eruption will be on SH air temperatures over the next 6 months. It just emitted huge amounts of water vapor (the most important of the so called Green House Gas). And yet they claim to know what a tiny increase in CO2 will do 20 years from now. That not science, that is political speculation.
Hi Dave. Thanks for the comment. We definitely had a mild winter and Europe as well.
I think it does have something do with that enormous explosion in Tonga that put so much water (vapour) up in the air.
I don’t remember where I coud read that the Tonga volcano emitted not only water vapor in huge quantities, but also yet huger volumes of carbon dioxide they assessed equivalent to those of the human activities during one year.
This made me wondering, when you said that about 70% of the volcanoes of the planet are underwater ones, whether the human CO2 emissions are not truly ridiculous in front of the natural volcanic ones.
Hi Jack,
That is truly an old story. I have always been saying that it is impossible to ‘calculate’ the exact human contribution to dCO2 in the air.
Not that it matters, as the dCO2 does not really cause an increase in temperature,
see here:
Henry is wrong in saying that 70% of the volcanic eruptions are undersea events.
The Central England Instrumental Temperatures Data Set (1659-present) shows a temperature decrease whenever there is a VEI4 or greater volcanic eruption, less than 5% of the decreases are unknown, presumably sea-bed eruptions.
Quite so, and Salby and Harde have quantified the share of anthropogenic emissions to the CO2-increase since 1958 to be about 15 % and currently about 4%: http://hharde.de/climate%20d.htm
I say it again.
I know there are some people who claim that the geothermal factor is only 90 milli Watts /m2.
I think something is wrong there. According to my books T is going up 31 degrees K per km down. Come down in a goldmine with me and soon you will have sweat pouring from your face.
That means I only need an internal shift of 1/31 x 1000 = 32 meters of the inside of earth to get a raise of 1 degree K in the minimum temperature in the NH. That is not much?
On the other hand:
The movement of the magnetic north pole inherently means a lower Tmin in the SH.
then watch this video